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Hi Friend,

I'm sure you have heard the phrase, "In this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes" - Benjamin Franklin

Well, I'd like to add a third to that and say Sarcope­nia!

What is that? An age-related, involuntary loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength.

That's right as we age, we are most definitely going to lose muscle mass. It's inevitable.

Now as a human hitting 40 next year, this is always in the back of my mind. My training styles have drastically changed over the past 2 decades. The more I learned about fitness, anatomy, the effects of sedentary life, structured strength training, and my own body, a whole new world opened up for me. I started to see movement differently, the effects of those who weren't moving around me, the effects of repeated everyday routines over time causing physical pain, injuries, and surgeries.

Working with older humans I see there is fear around certain daily tasks, and activities, and a lack of confidence from their physical capabilities.

Clients have rearranged whole kitchens to keep things at eye level and below as they can't reach the top shelf or don't trust themselves with holding something as heavy as a glass jar of pasta sauce above their heads.

A family member (won't say names as he does read these) has accommodated daily house scenarios, the veggie garden is now elevated in pots for easy reach. Contraptions were made to avoid bending down to put shoes on, and all shoes were modified to slip on.

Strength and mobility are required for daily tasks.

Tight shoulders aren't going to reach a back bra strap.

Losing single-leg stability won't allow being able to stand up and put underwear or shorts on.

Strength training not only allows your body to reverse the ongoing effects of aging, but it will also allow you to LIVE WITH CONFIDENCE as you go through the decades and keep doing the things that bring you joy.


  1. Develop Strong Bones

  2. Manage your weight

  3. Manage and prevent Chronic conditions

  4. Boost mood and mental wellbeing

  5. Improve sleep

  6. Improve coordination and cognitive function

Starting early is great. Having regular strength sessions as a habit in your 20-30s will set you up for a great quality of life as you age. As more responsibilities get thrust upon you, the training will inevitably take a hit, but you would have set some great foundations to keep thriving on wit.


  1. Reduced chances of falling (or at least knowing how to combat if you do get stumped off balance)

  2. Increased balance and coordination

  3. Improved confidence to tackle the world outside of your own home

  4. Maintain good levels of mobility which in turn keeps a high level of independence

  5. Reduced injury risk

  6. Greater endurance and reduced fatigue

Strength training can be done in so many various ways. The main objective is to distress and utilize all muscle groups on a regular basis.

This can be done by but not limited too

  • Bodyweight training

  • Kettlebells

  • Dumbells

  • Resistance Bands

  • Barbells

I would always advise checking in with your GP before taking on any exercise routine. If you are a beginner looking for a place to start, investing in a coach is invaluable to get you out of the gate and into routine safely and for longevity.

From November I am opening up three 1:1 PT sessions.

Also starting small group sessions of "Strength & Flow" limited to 4 people.

Strength and mobility training twice a week.

Want a glimpse into what it's like working with me?

Here is a glimpse into a training session with Paula and what she had to say, first coming to me with a frozen left shoulder with a bursa.

Are you ready to tackle your remaining decades confidently?

If not and want some help, let's connect.

Until next week, stay Sassy!



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Stay curious and remember “We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing” - George Bernard Shaw

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