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Hi Friend,


It’s a new year, a fresh start, a clean slate!

Now let’s be honest, how many times have you set goals, intentions, motivations - whatever you choose to call them - on New Year's Day or at least through January?

Something along the lines of This Year I will… This year I want to... This is the year too… Lose weight, quit my job, eat healthily, exercise more, start pilates, do a course, travel, see my family more, save money, get “toned”, start my hobby, join a club, etc..

Now, how many times have you said something and actually followed through with it? If you have AWESOME!

If you haven’t, what stopped you? I know for alot people and even myself it can be there can be a few reasons, the top 2 being

  1. Not realizing the deeper meaning behind the want or goal

  2. Not having a clear plan of action or accountability

Breaking it down into bite-sized chunks you will create one small task to implement to understand a useful way of setting goals and creating the habits to get there. No matter what the goal is!

Utilizing the resources such as the book Atomic Habits by James Clear and the daily Business Coach podcast by Fiona Kallacky. Sometimes it can be as simple as asking yourself the right questions.

Where do you want to go, or more importantly what person do you want to BECOME? Simply ponder this sentence

I WANT TO GET FROM “X” to “Y” by “WHEN” so that “WHY”

  • X = Your current/state situation

  • Y = Where I want to go

  • WHEN = When you want to arrive at Y

  • WHY = What does this enable me to do? How does it make you feel?

I’ll use a personal example - we’re all friends here right?

I want to get from needing a wall-to-handstand to the ability to hold a 10sec free-standing handstand by May 5th so that I can feel more confident in my ability to hold a tuck handstand for the Level 3 Animal Flow Workshop I want to attend in America.

As you can see I stated where I’m currently at, where I want to be, and a realistic Deadline, and attached a greater emotional purpose for it. This WHY will be the driving force

Now you try!

What do you truly want for yourself this year and WHY? Be as specific as you can!

Feel free to share or simply keep it to yourself. Until next week, Nikki

Stay curious and remember “We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing” - George Bernard Shaw If you know someone who could benefit from this blog, please share it with them.

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